In Search for the Miraculous Cure
is a journey of a sister told through
poetry in search for something beyond
what we can see to cure her younger
brother. She offers loving suggestions
on how to allow your affected one to
still enjoy everyday life.
In Search for Miraculous cure is loaded with simple ways, plans and tricks to help your loved one or anyone suffering. True inspiration for anyone that has not only dealt with cancer, but has gone through anything difficult. It's mental, emotional, heart wrenching journey of a cancer patient fighting with positive belief. In Search for Miraculous Cure is a deeply emotional and motivating journey through poetry of a sister in search for something beyond what we can see, to cure her younger brother. She offers loving suggestions on how to allow your effected loved one to still enjoy everyday life. Every being possessing energy is called upon to help, send positivity and healing to her brother and to anyone who is suffering. Zana details how she continually plans adventures and events to help keep her brother hope thriving including a trip to their homeland Macedonia. With never ending positivity, faith and hope Zana aids in her brothers healing and prays her words may help others ease their suffering.